Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The drumroll’s begun.

It’s not too loud or insistent….but we’ve been waiting for this beat since the day we heard about the obscene salaries those wholly undeserving and ordinary people got when they landed a good college through the CAT (course, I wasn’t in yet). It’s been getting stronger with each stage…the preparation, the application, the initial rejection, the IIMs rejection…and we’re on the last lap now.

Especially since yesterday, when 4 guys from the ISEM (Industrial Safety and Environment)course were the 1st bunch to formally accept job offers from the 2007 batch. Me not mentioning the company…but the offer’s been hiked to 9 L..a cool 1L jump from last year by the same folks. These heroes now get to smirk at us as we run around pondering about the pending marks…the stuff to prepare for…the resumes that need to be refined...the whole ant running deal right up to Jan 07.

It also marks the end of my Peter Pan phase on campus. The last 12 months were a seriously awesome time…for all the moaning I did about the lack of girls in my batch ( 5 of them..against 83 guys. 4 of those 5 are committed.)…it did release a whole Lord of the Flies world…one where I’ve played, read, slept, watched movies, discovered music and lazed around to a degree of which Calvin would approve. This, after 4 years of poking around full imperial drawing sheets and lathe machines. After 6 subsequent months of hell at work. And there’s really no adequate way in which a Mumbaikar who’s been fighting for breathing space in the local trains for the past 7 years would be able to describe 65 acres of green campus (with all it’s rats and snakes, yes) half an hour from his flat.

But yeah…Neverland’s drawing to a close. The stakes are high. The competition is really smart..and already far more accomplished. Even us junta who want to chill get psyched looking at previous drinking buddies suiting up and planning careers. My only regret through it all has been that I wasn’t a full fledged reckless fool…nor a fully sober serious types. I’ve been sitting on the fence and smiling wryly at both sides. Typical.

This sobering up to a schedule business of mine prolly goes the same way as my previous studying to a schedule attempts. I now make the standard disclaimers about self being a useless bugger with no regard for his own word. But the dude’s got to get serious…this is what it’s all about, after all.

Havent had beer in 2 weeks though.

Song of the moment

Thick as a brick
Jethro Tull

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